Message from the Founder, DFRI

Dr. Vijay Viswanathan, M.D., Ph.D., FRCP (London & Glasgow),
HeadDr Vijay Viswanathan is the Head and Chief Diabetologist at the MV Hospital for Diabetes and Prof M Viswanathan Diabetes Research Centre Royapuram Chennai. He has been a practising Diabetologist since 29 years years. He did his MD in Internal Medicine and PhD in Diabetic Nephropathy and was awarded FRCP by the Royal College of Physicians in London. He has set up a modern Diabetic Foot clinic in Chennai 25 years ago which has saved nearly 90,000 patients from amputations.

Messages from Diabetic Foot Experts in the World

David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD
Professor of Surgery and Director Southern Arizona Limb Salvage Alliance (SALSA) University of Arizona College of Medicine USA. The fact of the matter is that Asia-- and in particular South Asia is at the epicenter of a silent, sinister epidemic. For more than a generation, Dr. Viswanathan and his team have been at the forefront of addressing and....

Andrew JM Boulton, MD, DSc (Hon), FACP, FRCP President,
European Association for the Study of Diabetes Professor of Medicine, University of Manchester and Visiting Professor, University of Miami, FL, Consultant Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary UK. I congratulate Dr Vijay Viswanathan and colleagues for setting up a study looking at risk factors for the diabetic foot from different parts of your country.

Prof. Stuart A Baird FFPM RCPS(Glasg). FCPodM,
Professor of Podiatric Medicine| Department of Psychology, Social Work and Allied Health Sciences / School of Health and Life Sciences Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.

News & Events

Dr. Vijay was given the unique honour of being a part of the International Working Group Guidelines on Diabetic Foot 2019. These guidelines were presented at the Hague Holland in May 2019.

Members of the Offloading Working Group

© Diabetic Foot Research India and Diabetic Amputation Prevention Initiative 2015.    